Tuesday 9 October 2007

final conversation

hello there long time no speaks

well its an end of an era - my life with AVE has come to an end i will be leaving on Wednesday 31st October to pastures new...... i am going to be trained up in holistics and see from there where do i go...

one day i will post back on updated news of my life but for now au revoir

Sunday 15 July 2007


We held our enrolment day for September courses today. The heavens stayed open all day and it did not stop raining once. But our committed students still came to enrol. As a thank you they were provided with Tea, coffee and biscuits and Fish & chips dinner time. Busy day and I did not stop talking all day (my favourite past time)!!!! Anyway I made up for it in the evening and got totally pickled on those delightful alcopops...

Friday 15 June 2007

is it June already??

well i dont know whats happening with my time but it seems like i only check the blogs on friday and i havent done it for a very long time...
my husbands birthday today i was up at 6am giving him his prezzies - men are they always grumpy???
well i was sooo chuffed he now fits in from xxl to Small and AGE 16 tshirts not size 16+
only problem i gave him a birthday card that states i will not nag him for 24 hours s*** thats impossible - i am debating leaving the country for a while as i will break that promise as soon as i see him after work...
my daughter finished her final GCSE exam today and will not set foot back in school again (only to pick up her exam results) time to work for her and a load of partying. my son has 2 more A level exams and then he will be finished and hopefully in Uni in September.
Me, i am off to Buxton next week -thursday evening until late sunday night... i am going to have time out on my own and go to a crystal weekend fete and workshops so i am hoping to come back a new woman - i am debating do i dye all my hair bright pink before going or when i come back??
i am off to the gym after work as i think hubby is taking me out for meal tonight so i need to sweat out ready before hand...
strange time for me for the last fortnight as i have met up with 3 old friends of mine - got me thinking what is going on?! as you can guess paranoia and me get on well..

Friday 18 May 2007

Friday again waw how time flies

Well it seems to be that only on Fridays I get the chance to update my blog..... I have been so busy lately that I dont know what day I was in earlier (actually I dont know what month or year I was on earlier)!!! Been busy today updating the database - my gosh I was soooo behind..
Last week I went on a course run by Communities at One at Sandfields, Port Talbot brilliant it was. I have now started a new Blog for Amman Valley Enterprise (check the link) and met a lot of nice people who I hope that we will keep in touch through the Commuinities at One link. So much knowledge was passed to us that I feel my head is about to explode..
Anyway lets get back to my personal life - my husband and I (Ian) went shopping last bank holiday and left the two children (age 18 and 16 incase you thought of a case for childline) in the house swotting. The best was that my husband used to be 18 stone and because I am a nasty woman and made him stop drinking he ended up buying (as it did fit him perfectly honestly) a tshirt AGE 16 YEARS OLD.....
By the way (I know that I am jumping from one thing to another all the time but my memory is bad and if I dont write it down immediately I will forget) my digital camera is working brilliantly Owain my saviour fixed it last week at the drop in centre held here. But yet I am to take pictures for my site.
Also the other thing that I have gone a little bit obsessed for (fad thing it will soom lose its appeal) is the gym - Nia my daughter and I are going 4 times a week and doing a strenuous workout followed by 10 lengths in the swimming pool - if I dont tone my body soon I will be reverting to the couch eating chocolates...
I am going now to try and work on the Amman Valley Enterprise blogsite ... will write more most probably next week - bye for now xx

Friday 11 May 2007

Its Friday again....my how time flies
I have been busy on a course run by Communities @ One at Briton Ferry - and its brilliant. I am getting quite excited as I have produced another blog for work - check out the link site I can see me ditching the Dreamweaver and going for gold on the Blogger instead...
Havent been writing much as Ive hardly been here at work and when I have I have been attending meetings.
By the way I bought a new battery for my camera from ebay and guess what my camera still doesnt work - so anybody out there needing a new battery - IVE GOT ONE HERE...

Friday 4 May 2007

Near death experience

My husband was in the landrover and it turned over but luckily the driver of the Big lorry realised something was wrong and reversed just in time.... Phew!!

Fruity Friday

Well it's Friday again - waw how quick time flies... forgot to do my Thursday diary but with my memory don't remember much what happened yesterday but can tell you by joining the gym I feel healthy !!! Knackered but healthy... I am drinking - well chewing my fruit smoothy this morning and looking forward to my salad for dinner. I have a lovely dairy milk chocolate bar in my bag ready as I can now have chocolate as I have joined the gym ha ha ha.. I have ordered a new battery for my digital camera through ebay and as soon as I get it I will be busy taking photos.. Owain is going to help me to a watermark background on my site today and I am looking forward to do this.. going back to do some work now will hopefully be able to add more on for Friday later
bye for now xx