Friday 27 April 2007

TFI Friday

3 hours and 57 minutes to go yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Wasn't in first thing this morning as I was in the Tairgwaith centre fixing their boiler yep that's right I am officially Karen the octopus!!! Few phone calls of panic from the Ammanford Centre - "can't get our emails" "what's happened to the shared folders" then had to do a Nigel Manson and drive my brilliant little Yaris back 90 miles an hour to resolve their problems...
Met with Owain who showed me on how to work this brilliant blog site waw am I going to have fun with this..... only problem I have got is a very very bad memory and ? oops forgot what was I saying - ah yes by next week comes I will have forgotten about this brilliant site but hopefully Owain will send me an email to remind me and then if anything exciting happens this weekend I will fill you in- I need to remember when I get home to get the digital camera out and take some photos!!!!!!!!


DebZzzz said...

Hi Karen - nice to see you in the land of bloggers, check out mine
You will find out what i been up to while on the sick.
Happy blogging!!

DebZzzz said...

Hi Karen
Welcome to the world of bloggers, check out mine on
You will see what i been up to while on the sick, happy blogging.

Crazy Karen said...

I havent a clue what I am doing but I am going to try and get in yours now....